Using dynamic libraries in static Go binaries

April 09, 2019

Go has many little known features that allow you to give instructions to the compiler, linker, and other parts of the toolchain using special comments. Dave Cheney wrote an excellent post on them here. One such ‘pragma’ as Cheney calls them is //go:cgo_import_dynamic. This is a linker directive. It tells the linker to pull in a specific function from a dynamic library such as libc.

Let’s check out an example from my recent contribution to the runtime package.

First, in lookup_darwin.go we use the cgo_import_dynamic directive for res_search

//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_res_search res_search "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib"

When the linker is run after compilation it executes this directive. The linker pulls in the res_search routine from the libSystem dynamic library (found at the given path). It then makes the routine referenceable in Go’s assembly code by the name libc_res_search.

Now in order to link assembly code to Go we have a couple of pieces of glue to put in place. Let’s take a look first, and then analyze:

func res_search(dname *byte, class int32, rtype int32, answer *byte, anslen int32) (int32, int32) {
	args := struct {
		dname                   *byte
		class, rtype            int32
		answer                  *byte
		anslen, retSize, retErr int32
	}{dname, class, rtype, answer, anslen, 0, 0}
	libcCall(unsafe.Pointer(funcPC(res_search_trampoline)), unsafe.Pointer(&args))
	return args.retSize, args.retErr
func res_search_trampoline()

The first thing to look at is the symbol definition of res_search_trampoline() (line 13). This is a function which will be defined in assembly. Defining the symbol in Go code allows the linker to make it referenceable.

We also need a helper function which takes the arguments to pass to the assembly routine, and makes a call to libcCall(). This is a helper function defined inside the runtime package. It takes both the trampoline symbol address, and address of the arguments. It uses these to orchestrate the actual call.

Finally we define the assembly routine for res_search_trampoline which is linked by the Go symbol above.

TEXT runtime·res_search_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
    PUSHQ    BP
    MOVQ     SP, BP
    MOVQ     DI, BX   // move DI into BX to preserve struct addr
    MOVL     24(BX), R8  // arg 5 anslen
    MOVQ     16(BX), CX  // arg 4 answer
    MOVL     12(BX), DX  // arg 3 type
    MOVL     8(BX), SI   // arg 2 class
    MOVQ     0(BX), DI   // arg 1 name
    CALL     libc_res_search(SB)
    XORL     DX, DX
    CMPQ     AX, $-1
    JNE ok
    CALL     libc_error(SB)
    MOVLQSX  (AX), DX             // move return from libc_error into DX
    XORL     AX, AX               // size on error is 0
    MOVQ    AX, 28(BX) // size
    MOVQ    DX, 32(BX) // error code
    POPQ    BP

All this routine does is load the arguments by their offset (calculated by size) and call libc_res_search. It also checks a possible error and calls libc_error (another statically linked function!) accordingly.

From these definitions we can now call the res_search helper function as if it’s the res_search function in libSystem. This is all of course regardless of if CGO is enabled!

Do keep in mind, this directive is purposely not part of the language specification. It should probably only be done in Go’s runtime package.

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